
Reasons You Should Install an Automatic Gate

Are you on the verge of getting a new automatic gate for your residence or business, but still aren’t sure about it? That’s normal because you’re looking at a major purchase, which you should deliberate over a little, just like you would for a new roof or kitchen renovation. We think there are several significant reasons to install an automatic gate, but in the interest of brevity, we’ll condense it down to five main ones.

Reasons You Should Install an Automatic Gate

More Home Privacy

Automatic gates are large and in charge when it comes to blocking the view of looky-loos and solicitors around your neighborhood. While stationary fences can accomplish this, too, it’s nice to control access and build privacy simultaneously.

Protect Children & Pets

It’s not safe to let young children and pets play in the front yard without something to protect them from wandering into the street. Also, if you’re concerned about suspicious pedestrians approaching them, automated fences can halt that problem as well. If nothing else, perhaps this will keep the dog from chasing the mailman finally.

Get Better Insurance Rates

Did you know insurance companies will lower your premium rates if you install certain security apparatuses? This includes things like exterior lighting, but it’s even better if you put in a new gate around your home. Talk to your insurance provider before installing one to see if it’ll help save you a couple hundred dollars a year.

Increase Your Potential Resale Value

It’s a hot real estate market, and you may wish to capitalize on it someday. There’s plenty of time, but in the meantime, you could give your home an extra selling perk by installing a new residential gate. This is a common renovation idea for wealthy homeowners in upper-class neighborhoods.

It’s a Big Boost to Home Security

The home security advantage is one of our favorite points because the variety of safety and security features on the newer gates will blow your mind. It would take too much room to list every security peripheral here, but if you check out some of the premium gate manufacturers, like Apollo, you’ll see what we mean. This includes surveillance cameras, key fobs for access, keypad passwords, facial and plate recognition, and much more.

Those are a few terrific reasons to ponder before getting a new automatic gate system. If you’d like more help with this important decision, then reach out to the pros at Sarasota Gate & Access. We’re available all the time for questions and answers when you call 941-349-4455.

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